- Free logger runs in 98SE thru Win7 OS, with post contest log entry.
- Logs ARRL VHF/UHF `big 4` contests, Sprints etc.
- Use GenLog for other VHF/UHF contests plus hundreds of HF/DIG/QRP/State contests.
- Logs Rover QSOs as Call/R. Logging without the mouse.
- DVK - Plays wave files w/repeat and PTT control.
· Call the working station in your voice.
· Full DVK over-ride functions - supports RIGblaster mic and footswitch click.
- CW keyer - Memory and keyboard CW, w/repeat and PTT.
· Software swap of DTR and RTS COM connections.
· Supports USB interfaces, USB to serial converters and PCI/external COM boards.
· CW keying to LPT1-17, to PCI COM ports other than 1-4, and PCI LPT boards.
- Windows style Help system. ° Displays US grid maps.
- Distance and bearing from real time 6-digit grid calculations, and from 6-digit lookup.
- Works with PstRotator to control your rotator - from the typed in grid.
- Transverter offsets, IF frequency and dial calibration delta is displayed.
- Writes an ASCII Log file or Cabrillo file to be E-mailed to the sponsor.
- Log checkers and contesters see my Cabrillo Evaluator software - scores Cabrillo logs.
- Controls a band decoder or N3FTI's LPT interface. See a decoder pix and read about it.
- Don`t miss this important consideration about hot-switching.
- Supports export of ADIF files. ° Displays your favorite beacon frequencies.
- Use KM Rover for the `Big 4` ARRL VHF/UHF contests in the rover category.
- Auto UTC offset. Just in case, adjust the UTC hour in your log using UTC Time.
- Uses `good calls` and band activity files made from your own LOG files using LOGSORT.
- Has master callsign lookup using K9PW`s file {vhf4k.adi} that I update periodically.
- Optional selection of your own ADIF file (must be in vhf4k.adi format).